Stand Up for your Rights

Young people will have the chance to develop skills & knowledge and a high level of awareness on human rights regarding tolerance & cultural understanding

Youth Development Association "YDA" is working to apply for new youth project for the EuroMed
Youth IV Program – Round 2, deadline 9th June 2015.

This project is created for young people and organizations which will have the role of
multipliers in their society. The young people as individuals will have the chance to develop
skills and knowledge and a high level of awareness on human rights regarding tolerance and cultural understanding and respect.
Those people will be the sources to the organizations in and out of Palestine, spreading the information and knowledge but also by promoting the idea of the project for future activities.

Specific objective: Stimulation and encouraging mutual understanding, fighting stereotypes
and prejudices

Objectives of the Action:

 Raising awareness through human rights knowledge
 Mutual understanding, cultural tolerance and respect
 Cross-border intercultural cooperation
 Promoting active citizenship

Partners: Palestine, Jordan, EU Countries

Target Group: Youth, youth leaders, social workers / older than 18 years old

Main Activities: Information sessions, educational exercises, working group and discussions,creative Workshops and debriefing.

Youth Development Association "YDA" is a Palestinian civil association, specialized in youth
issues. YDA was established in 2003 by a group of Palestinian youth. Its programs focus on:
training the young leaders, encouraging the voluntary work and empowering the youth in
order to strengthen their role in the Palestinian civil society.


This project has been viewed 127 times.

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Project overview

Stand Up for your Rights is a project by
Think of Youth Palestine
taking place
from 2016-01-01 till 2016-05-31
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Human rights
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue

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