Soft sKilling Youth Unemployment

The main idea is increasing youth 'employability' by exploring and developing soft skills,non-formal education,personal development and lifelong learning

The main aim of this exchange is to draw participants' attention to the importance of lifelong learning, and learning outside of formal educational institutions, acquiring soft skills as much as hard skills in order to improve their chances of getting a job and advancing in their future careers. To achieve that, there are several main objectives of this project:
- to enable participants to develop competences within the theme of the exchange (public speaking and communication, teamwork, debating, conflict management,...);
- raise awareness about the importance of soft skills for success, innovation, productivity and how they can make a difference when looking for a job;
- facilitate intercultural and international dialogue, learning, conflict resolution;
- provide a safe, international environment for participants where they can experiment, express themselves, make mistakes, realize differences between non formal and informal learning and especially reflect on their process of learning (using the Youth Pass among other);
- encourage entrepreneurial spirit and sense of initiative;
- promote European values, active citizenship, friendship, solidarity, democracy...

Participants' profile:
- all the participants except the group leaders should be between 18 and 25 years old
- ability to communicate in English
- general interest in the topic and motivation to actively participate
-provide gender balance
- at least 2 participants from each team should be participants with fewer opportunities

If you are interested in participating, please download the attached PIF document and fill it out carefully. Generic answers will be disregarded.

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Project overview

Soft sKilling Youth Unemployment is a project by
Associazione InCo-Molfetta APS
taking place
from 2021 till 2022
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Conflict management
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Entrepreneurship
  • European citizenship
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Leadership
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability

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