Sign Through the World

Sign Through the World is a project for DEAF youth aged 16-26. It's goal is to create a history and culture vocabulary focused dictionary of sign languages.

Already aproved project!!!

”Sign Through TheWorld” is a trilateral project with Poland, Italy and a partner we are looking for :). The activities are mainly concentrated on getting to know each other’s countries and understanding their cultures. This project is also a chance for the deaf youngsters to broaden
their opportunities not only witin their future job but also within the influence they have on their peers and the deaf and hearing society that is interested in the sign language. Young participants will learn techniques of creating sign language dictionaries and through the methods of non formal education they will get to know the history, goegrafy, habits and culture of the partner countries. As the main result of the project there will be a sign language dictionary created. It will include the sign languages
of partners, also their phonic languages and phonic English. This dictionary entitled ”Our Countries, Our Europe” will include
vocabulary associated with the main topic of the project <history, geography, culture> and European Union vocabulary.
The main objectives of the project are:
1) exchange of the information about the partner countries and Europe
2) broading the knowledge of istory, geography, customs and culture of the partner countries
3) raising the level of tolerance for cutlure differences followed by different behaviours and customs
4) feeling European
5) gaining knowledge on techniques of creating sign language dictionaries
6) awakaning the initiative and creative thinking about their language through the thought about the language itself and through
creating the dictionary - a practical tool ment for learning the sign language and supporting this way of communication
7) promoting a positive picture of a deaf person and the sign language

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Project overview

Sign Through the World is a project by
Polish Association of the Deaf
taking place
from 2013-10-04 till 2013-10-11
This project relates to:
Action 1.1 (Youth Exchanges)
and is focusing on:
  • Disability
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Disability
DEAF people, sign language fluent users

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