Release your inner peace

Looking for good cooperation with partners. We are NGO Young Folks LV from Latvia (Riga), but youth exchange will be in France (Paris). Please write in email.

Considering different mental health issues, our group realised that almost every individual is put under pressure of different mental aspects, especially in big cities. That became a reason to come up with this project title and our aim in general. Accordingly, achieving inner peace is our main concept. We don't usually notice that our mental condition can be influenced by hard-working rhythm in the big cities, so it is easy to leave out consequences. Major emotional overloads can evolve into serious mental or physical disorders. By looking into scientific researches we discovered many issues. Everyday we face many triggers such as congestion, noise and smell pollutions, financial stresses, lack of personal space. All these factors may lead to an anxiety disorder, for instance.
As says our title ''Release your inner peace '', we want to increase and resurrect our inner peace which is often lost in due to the life in big cities. We are expecting to face many difficulties during the start of our project, because of getting out of the comfort zone. At first it might be exhausting to our group participants that's why we will find correct approach to every participant to achieve proper aim. Our project differs from others on the basis of concept. We plan to hold our project in triggering environment of big city and teach participants how to maintain their mentality healthy in such environment. These skills will be extremely useful for the lifestyle of the 21th century.

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Project overview

Release your inner peace is a project by
Young Folks LV
taking place
from 2020-01-01 till 2020-10-01
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges

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