Refugees and racism in EU context

"Refugees and racism in EU context" is a strategic partnership project where youth will play the main characters in promoting multiculturalism

This strategical project is aiming to change the present mentality in regard with refugees of youngsters from our local community. In order to do so, we plan to change some of the misconceptions European youngsters have about Muslim refugees living in Europe, to inform them about the reality of refugees’ lives and to influence their actions towards helping refugees.
Moreover, the project aims also to empower and help youngsters develop. The project will be developed and implemented by youngsters, our role (of organizations’ members) will be to guide and help them get the results they want.
How we plan to achieve all this?
Throughout communication and education – we will create 6 episodes and one documentary about refugees and also have workshops with middle school and high school youngsters. Through partnerships with local media and schools we hope to succeed in implementing this project.

What we look for in a partner:
- previous experience in working with youngsters
- previous involvment in refugee related projects (basic knowledge about refugees in Europe)
- WILLINGNESS and INVOLVMENT in the projects’ activities
- access to 10 youngsters that have the time and compentences to be involved in a one year strategic project
- possibility to partener with local media channels
- possibility to partner with local middle schools and high schools
- members with competences in: communication, filming, video editing, non formal education, creativity
-access to a refugee camp

How can you become our partner:
- send us information about:
-> the activity of your organization;
-> your experience in regard with refugees;
-> the experience the members of your organization have;
-> types of projects youngsters from your local community have been involved in;
- motivate the need your local community for the project
- tell us what you can bring to the project
- show as you are willing to be involved in the development of the project

Please fill in the attached questionnaire and send it to us as soon as possible!

This project has been viewed 224 times.

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Project overview

Refugees and racism in EU context is a project by
SCOUT Society
taking place
from 2017-07-15 till 2019-07-15
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Conflict management
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • European citizenship
  • Human rights
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Minorities
  • Non-formal learning
  • Peace and conflict

Available downloads:

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