PS&E Parents Support & Empowerment 2016

A 3 day training on parent support for youthworkers and operators who are active in the disability field

We are aiming to provide training to an international team of Youthworkers and Supporters who work with organisations active in the disability field. A training which will provide tools and know – how related to the psychological support of families in need. A training which will guarantee common guidelines between different organisations, in order to cooperate and create a network of trained supporters. Fondazione Oltre il Labirinto will provide a team of Parent Support Experts and Senior Psychologists during the 3 day training course who will share their knowledge and develop with all participants an innovative assistance method. The course will take place here in Treviso in the North of Italy.

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Project overview

PS&E Parents Support & Empowerment 2016 is a project by
Fondazione Oltre il Labirinto onlus
taking place
from 2016-06-06 till 2016-10-10
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Disability
  • Innovation
  • Media and communication

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