Project VolunTalent v1.0

“Project VolunTalent v1.0” is a (KA2) capacity building project about Volunteer Management for organizations who are working in the field of youth.

“Project VolunTalent v1.0”
“Volunteer Management ideas in the field of youth”

We are happy to announce the call for participants for our capacity building project, “Project VolunTalent v1.0”, which will take place in Eskisehir, Turkey.
This capacity building project is designed for increasing efficiency of the volunteer management processes of non-governmental organizations who are working in the field of youth.

The project will be implemented in accordance with: Call for Proposal:(KA2) Capacity Building in the field of youth - 2016 -Round 2 (Application Deadline: 1 July 2016)

You can find the timetable below in order to learn how we are planning to work with our partners during the project.
The project will have an interactive approach based on non-formal education and experiential learning methodologies. These methodologies will be applied with concept related tools in workshops & self-designed open-space environments with the inclusion of project facilitators & participants.

+Defining the volunteer management related main problems of non-governmental organizations who are working in the field of youth and increasing efficiency of that NGO’s by creating solutions for that problems.

+Enhancing skill and knowledge based capacity of the partners by creating a proper environment for increasing level of collaboration.

+Creating and disseminating an open-source, universal tool for every non-governmental organizations who want to use, in order to increase efficiency in the topic of “Volunteer Management”.

+By using the tool mentioned above, increasing youthworkers’ level of awareness about their competencies.

Project Phases;

#Project Starts / January ‘17
Kick-off preperations.

#Kick-off meeting (with just project leaders) / February ’17
Clarity of why, team building, goals & expectations, finalizing details of project action plan&implementing processes

#Preparation (Needs Assessment) / January - May ‘17
Tight Communication, organization & expert meetings, field research, organizing the data which is collected.

#Youthworkers Mobility Activity 1 / June ’17
Enlarging the project team, defining main problems based on the data collected, draft output, tool development.

#Tryout & Collecting Feedbacks / July - November ‘17
Tryout of the output & developed tools on the ground in youth organizations (all partners and 1 more organization per partner), collecting feedbacks.

#Youthworkers Mobility Activity 2 / November ’17
Evaluation of feedbacks, Revising and finalising the output & tools, creating manuals, DEoR task assignments.

#DEoR / December - April ‘18
Dissemination phase of outputs and the project’s results.

#Project Finishes / May ’18

Expectations from Partner Organizations;

* Allocating 1 project leader , who can participate actively (managing implementations&operations on the partner's side) to the whole project process and timetable activities. At least 2 years experienced youth worker (such as youth leadership \ project management \ youth organization or NGO management etc. experiences)

* Allocating 4 team member (at least 2 of them should have 1 years experience in youthworks and at least 1 young people with fewer opportunuties.) , who can participate the mobility activities and who can spend around 2-3 hours per week for the project in order to do some tasks.

* Being able to implementing (field research) and providing feedbacks the project’s outputs&developed tools about “Volunteer Management” in their organizations, and 1 organization that they are working with.

* Active participation to the project from the proposal phase until the reporting phase.

* Organizing people to participate project’s virtual meetings regularly.(esp. for project leaders)

If you’re interested in being partner with us please send us your Partner Identification Form(PIF) as an e-mail with a short paragraph about what could be your unique contribution for the project, until 30.06.2016, 18:00 (GMT+2)

For further information please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you.

Çagrı Gezenler - Project Manager
Gürkan Çakır - President

This project has been viewed 160 times.

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Project overview

Project VolunTalent v1.0 is a project by
Eskisehir Development Association
taking place
from 2017-01-15 till 2018-05-30
This project relates to:
Capacity Building
and is focusing on:
  • Innovation
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
  • Volunteering

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