Present Simple Future Perfect+ (series of two Training Courses)

International training in creative thinking, self-development, self-presenting and foresight in the field of youth employability.

Main Objectives of the project:
- To propose new tools, approaches and to identify ways to develop further youth and youth leader education in Europe.
- To reduce school drop outs and raise the level of youth employability.
- To increase capacity and build up competences of youth workers and educators by providing methods for working with youth in relation to self-awareness, self-respect and self-esteem, self-branding, future ambitions etc.
- To take active part in Europe 2020 strategy by promoting social inclusion.

During the training course wide variety of non- formal education methods will be used (art therapy methods, roleplays, group and team
activities, individual exercises, evaluation methods, coaching techniques, elements from public speaking and body language techniques, outdoor activities, methodology from “Girl and boy group” method etc.)

For detailed information please find attached official Call for partners.

If you are interested please complete short questionnaire:

and contact us via e-mail

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Project overview

Present Simple Future Perfect+ (series of two Training Courses) is a project by
Youthfully Yours SK
taking place
from 2016-04 till 2017-09
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges, Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability

Available downloads:

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