Periphyseos v2

To generate spaces for reflection and debate among young people from different EU countries to reach relevant conclusions on the pressing environmental aspects.

The peri physeos ("nature") writings are a series of didactic works from classical antiquity that deal with natural phenomena, their description and the discussion of their causes. While some of the people who promote this project were in class, we were struck by the broad vision of the philosophers of Classical Greece, linking nature with thought and making everything, including abstract thought, revolve around nature. And then we thought: Can there be an idea so inspired as to reach this conclusion?

This project catalyzes a reflection: without adequate care for our environment, our own existence is no longer justified. Or put another way: we must be supportive of future generations if we do not want to be supportive of ourselves from an environmental perspective. The final result of this project must be a work built from the ephemeral and intangible (impact) to the verifiable (results) where those of us who participate directly and indirectly understand that without nature, youth will cease to be guarantors of our own destiny.

The objectives of this project are:

General objective.
To generate spaces for reflection and debate among young people from different EU countries to reach relevant conclusions on the pressing environmental aspects for the planet in order to design strategies, policies and actions for social change prior to global environmental change while acquiring skills, learning and competencies to promote the necessary environmental sustainability.

Specific objectives.
• To energize ourselves dynamically to prepare for a day full of experiences.
• To know and decide on the program of activities to adjust it to our needs.
• Break the ice on the first day through fun activities."
• Carry out networking activities, both individually and as a group.
• Present the state of environmental affairs in each of the countries represented and in Europe.
• Evaluate and monitor both the logistical aspects and the acquired and/or reinforced learning.
• Create informal spaces where individuals are the ones who generate their own learning.
• Learn first-hand about environmental development experiences in favour of the planet, healthy living and sustainability."
• Share with migrants an environmental experience full of learning, as well as living in the middle of nature.
• Learn by doing, carrying out practical activities of real intervention in the environment.
• Debate and propose new policies to politicians, experts and technicians on issues that concern us young people.
• Make both the Programme and the project visible to increase their impact.
• Contact local society to publicise the Erasmus+ programme: Youth in Action.
• Carry out activities with local organisations that work with young people and have experience in Erasmus+.
• Share common spaces with like-minded organisations at the local level to draw society's attention to the environmental impacts on the planet.
• Learn about the particularities of the territories represented.

The complete programme of the week of activities is available in the attached document, as well as the specific objectives and methods linked to each of them.

This project has been viewed 305 times.
We're looking for:
2 more partners
from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
Deadline for this partner request:

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Project overview

Periphyseos v2 is a project by
Hermes association
taking place
from 2025-01-01 till 2025-12-31
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Environment
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sustainable development
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Geographical obstacles
People from rural or isloated areas with difficulties to access opportunities are welcome.

Short URL to this project:

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