Outcasted Brushes (multi-activity)

Two connected Training Courses Dealing with Social exclusion of marginalised youth through Non Formal Education methods based on visual arts

"Outcasted Brushes " (OB) is a multi-activity aimed to improving the condition of problematic youth (youngsters with an history of abuses, drug or alcohol addictions, a difficult family conditions) involving a number of youngsters and youth/social workers in two related Training Courses.

The choice of visual arts (sketch drawing, caricatures, painting, etc.) as vehicles of social action is justified by ability of these arts to allow an immediate and at the same time profound expression and conveyance of one’s thoughts and emotions.

For detailed information please find attached official Call for partners.

If you are interested please complete short questionnaire:


and contact us via e-mail

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Project overview

Outcasted Brushes (multi-activity) is a project by
Youthfully Yours SK
taking place
from 2016-06 till 2017-09
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Non-formal learning
  • Youth policy

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