Open your field

Youth Exchange focused on the processes of interaction between the rural space and the equality (feminism, LGBTIQ+...) 21-29 July, 2024; Vilafranca del Penedès

The Youth Exchange 'Open your field' focuses on the processes of interaction between the rural space and the equality (feminism, LGBTIQ+, etc), and it is planned to take place from 22nd to the 28th of July, 2024 (Sunday 21/7 and Monday 29/7 as travelling days).
The venue for the YE will take place in the municipality of Vilafranca del Penedès (~50km from Barcelona).
The project will gather 40 participants from 6 countries: 33 young people (aged 18-30 y.o.) and 7 group leaders.

The main theme of thew project lies in the exchange and learning between different young people from different countries about how, in each case, rural environment influences the equality and vice versa, as equality can alter hegemonic dynamics in this environment. In this way, the young participants share their experiences and learn different strategies to improve the equality through rural environment activities and actions.

The different processes of acting politically in the public sphere, focusing on the interaction with people on the street and the contact with physical and invisible barriers, as well as the limits and opportunities this offers for equality in the public space will be some of the axes of work that the young people will be able to deal through intercultural exchange.

In this way, the project also offers the opportunity to learn, grow and share realities with other countries, and to stimulate volunteerism among young people and intercultural learning. Then, the learning axes are related to the awareness work that local agents carry out at municipal level, to promote intercultural learning and cultural diversity as an opportunity and promote the active participation of young people in the community.

In particular, during the days in Vilafranca del Penedès, there will be activities with other young people, open to the local community that can give visibility to the project and promote the participation of young people in this type of activity.

Consequently, we will work to include young people in proposing solutions to provide an answer to the interrelation of equality and rural environment, train young people in the promotion of their ideas in social initiatives that are implemented since they are ready to assume responsibility and establish an international dialogue, not only among the participants, but also among the local community, that will be invited to the activities.

The youth exchange objectives are:
• To reflect on the interaction between equality and rural environment.
• To rethink cultural diversity and carry out intercultural learning.
• To analyse rural environment from an equality perspective.
• To make proposals for intervention to raise or promote equality in rural environment.
• To identify needs in the local and international environment.
• To promote equality reflection and the breaking of stereotypes.
• To promote the active participation of young people in social life and the local community.
• To guide participants to discover their personal attitudes and how to follow their studies.
• To inform young people about the opportunities around and throughout Europe.

Timeline of the project
The APV will take place within the first 2 weeks of May.
The youth exchange will take place from Monday the 22nd of July to Sunday the 28th of July, 2024 (Su 21/07/2024 and Mo 29/07/2024, as travelling days).

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Project overview

Open your field is a project by
Taller d'Art, Cultura i Creació
taking place
from 2024-07-21 till 2024-07-29
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles

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