OLPC trainingscourse - One Laptopschool Per Child along #GlobalGoal4 Quality Education for ICT and Non-ICT people

Getting hands on with the olpc XO-XS. Linking up with the largest educational initiative ever undertaken by humanity, supported by the United Nations.

2015-25 has been dedicated by ALL leaders in the United Nations as UN Decade to include the African Diaspora.

We have some very interesting workshops. As you are a loyal member to the United Nations, you're supposed to open up every activity to African Diaspora. What are your plans? Do you want to team up with us?

Here's one of our suggestions:

Is there room for an open source AND open hardware laptop annex tablet in the EU Educational Landscape?
ALL kids in Uruguay, Peru, Rwanda, several Island States and soon Australia, Cameroon and other countries have an XO-XS. While some EU kids may have an iPad class, all may be missing the boat?

We offer a trainingscourse where we are going to work with the OLPC XO-XS.
- ICT people will link up with their peers in the olpc community
- non ict people will link-up with their peers in the olpc community. Of course we're going to work on the XO-XS laptop-2-tablets.
- Non ICT people = people interested in how to kick-start the finance of a deployment, educators wanting to see what is possible on the XO's/ further develop educational material, youth teaming up with youth in other countries, people with disabilities, people interested in influencing policy makers, ..., journalists need articles, people interested in lobbying, ...

More: skype Sven AERTS - OLPC Community Brussels
More: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Belgium

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Project overview

OLPC trainingscourse - One Laptopschool Per Child along #GlobalGoal4 Quality Education for ICT and Non-ICT people is a project by
EU & EU Diaspora Academy
taking place
from 2018-02-12 till 2024-02-18
and is focusing on:
  • Innovation
  • Leadership
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
  • Policy-making
  • Youth policy
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles
OLPC sees bringing education to kids as their mission, not their business. The One Laptopschool Per Child initiative has built the best laptop for kids and youngsters ever. Grouped massive orders every month make sure component suppliers can offer rock-bottom prices. - 140 €/XO-XS laptop-2-tablet, average lifetime = 7 years = 20 €/year. PhotoVoltaic panel = 30€, av. LT =10 yr. - Made to be repaired: all the same + srews ALL kids in Uruguay, Peru, Rwanda, several Island States and soon Australia, Cameroon and other countries have an XO-XS. While some EU kids may have an iPad class, may all be missing the boat?

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