Occupational safety and youth migrants

Young people (especially migrants) have the right to ask questions, to raise concerns and to refuse to do work that is unsafe.

Young people (especially refugees and immigrants) have the right to ask questions, to raise
concerns and to refuse to do work that is unsafe. At the same time, we have the responsibility to
follow the Occupational Health and Safety (SST) policies and to take care of our own safety and that
of our colleagues.

If I am a young immigrant worker and I have a problem, the most important thing is that I
communicate it to someone. Talk to the boss, if possible. If this is not possible, speak with the safety
representative, with the health personnel at work or with my parents, guardians or a trusted work

This project grows from our own experiences in work environments, both paid and voluntary. In fact,
we have experienced serious deficiencies in those work environments. We want to call for reflection
- Ask questions if you have doubts about something.
- Know your rights and learn where to find help.
- Understand the risks and understand what you should do in case of emergency.
- Do not perform tasks for which you have not been trained and follow the procedures.

The general objective of this project is:
Create a large group of migrated and non-migrated youth that promote work environments and youth
organizations that have the gene of happiness in their DNA by incorporating the preventive culture.

The specific objectives of this project are:
- Activate all the participants for a day full of learning.
- Make everyone and everyone aware of the details of the program of activities and aspects of risk
prevention during the week.
- Moving from a plurinational scenario to another where a single group with common objectives is
- Know the partner organizations of the project, their activities and concerns.
- Share an informal space to end a day full of learning.
- Identify the current situation of prevention and job security of young immigrants in Europe and
- Learn to learn, as well as to discuss the theme of the presentation.
- Perceive local public actions in the field of occupational safety, as well as know their resources.
- Fix the learning acquired during the last activities.
- Share information about the state of affairs in each country on the subject concerned.
- Verify on the ground real experiences related to the preventive culture and job security.
- Experience an evening of entertainment from a preventive perspective. Know the risks around you.
- Participate in the vision of public policies related to the theme of the project.
- Make visible the Erasmus + program: Youth in Action, as well as the project.
- Deepen the good and not so good practices related to the particular case of work in contact with
- Delve into the knowledge of risk prevention in a practical way, as well as resources for its
- Deliberate on the aspects learned to extract the elements that make up learning.
- Observing the reality of occupational risks for young people in the immediate environment, as well
as knowing first-hand their personal experiences.
- Make visible the results of the project to call for reflection, as well as to help monitor it to third
- Discern between public policies and the work of trade unions in the field of risk prevention.
- Represent potential scenarios at work (or in the place of studies) where there may be a risk
situation or a work accident occurs.
- Experience the social diversity of the different countries represented.
- Delve into the opportunities offered by the Erasmus + program.
- Discuss the future of the project, as well as the real possibilities of realization in the countries
- Measure the knowledge acquired with the help of a detailed form on logistics aspects and each of
the activities.

Each activity is covered by a specific objective, and all the specific objectives underpin a general
objective. This project maintains a circular structure, topped by a constant evaluation process and a
realistic, dynamic, participatory methodology, based on non-formal and informal methods and very

This project has been viewed 192 times.

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Project overview

Occupational safety and youth migrants is a project by
taking place
from 2020-01-01 till 2020-06-30
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Environment
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sustainable development
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles
In this project we will participate young people with fewer opportunities of diverse nature. On the one hand, situations of economic precariousness due to unemployment of our own and / or our parents. On the other hand, special geographical difficulties, where we highlight in that sense the group of Canary Islands, but that we are not the only ones. We will carry out reinforcement activities to avoid cultural differences between participants.

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