The TC aims to analyze the current situation of the displaced and to empower and provide tools for the community intervention and social inclusion of newcomers.

In the context of today's globalization (which paradoxically makes the free movement of goods and capital possible but it does not apply in the same way for people) the definition of physical and imaginary boundaries allows us to understand the complex logic of inclusion and/or exclusion and discrimination. Accordingly, and approaching the growing migratory flow that people carry out between countries and/or continents, individuals must not only face geopolitical borders that make the difference between individuals belonging to a nation and foreigners (or which differentiates between immigrant v. immigrants), but they also must face internal boundaries: ethnic, cultural, class, social, gender, language, thinking... in the communities of the destination countries where they must integrate.
These internal borders, which vary according to the social context of the community in the country where we are, accentuate the difference between the "you" and the "I". This difference, referring to the feeling of belonging to a nation or to the identification of the subject with the various internal borders, is exclusive of the "us" that embraces the community by the mere fact of existing as such, with entrances and exits of people that are part of, as an example of a great organism that inspires and expires to live.
If, in addition, we analyze the frontiers that women face, we observe that the situation is more complicated. Women must also overcome gender, social and body borders, among many others, in the way and in the process of integration in the community of destiny.

The objectives for this training are as follows:
O1. To acquire tools in order to improve the community intervention, in terms of accompaniment and inclusion of newcomers, of workers from European youth organizations.
O2. To create a space for exchanging good practices and debates in the field of community work and social inclusion among youth professionals.
O3. To know the current situation of displaced people and asylum seekers in the European area.
O4. To promote the Erasmus+ program at a local level as a tool for training and social inclusion.
O5. To increase the partner network of TACC to be able to cooperate closely with associations across Europe.

In order to achieve the goals, TACC will organize a seminar composed of various activities, which also promotes the exchange of good practices and the debate on new ways of working with young people in a dynamic, creative and innovative way. In addition, we might count on the presence of the Catalan Committee for Assistance to Refugees (CCAR), the Syrian-Catalan Association, the Platform for supporting Refugee People in Sabadell, Citizens Service for Immigrant Reception (SCAI), SOS Racism, the Association of Refugee, Exiled and Migrated Women.
At the end of the training we will produce a set of good practices to implement in our territories of origin, through what was learned during the training week. Finally, we will develop a creative video so that other groups join the proposal, multiplying the effect of the seminar.

From the 11th of March to the 15th of March, 2019 (10th and 16th as travelling days).
The project will take place in ESPLUGUES DE LLOBREGAT (30min by public transport from Barcelona).

WHO? Partners profile
For this TRAINING FOR TRAINERS we seek partners from 6 countries of the European Union with experience in the Erasmus+ Program, and we will consider those associations who:
- have experience in community intervention projects with newcomers;
- have experience in women's empowerment projects,
- or projects with the target audience or particularly sensitive to the subject matter.

In order to apply for becoming our partner in this TRAINING FOR TRAINERS, we would like to kindly ask you send us the MANDATE signed back (yuo can find it in the file attached), and ANSWER in 5-10 lines the following two questions (which we will include in the project proposal to be submitted):
1. How your organization will contribute to the training course (that is, activities that you will lead).
2. How participants from your country will be able to spread the knowledge from the project in the local community.

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Project overview

Taller d'Art, Cultura i Creació
taking place
from 2019-03-10 till 2019-03-16
This project relates to:
Training and Networking

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