NEW PARTNERSHIPS, NEW GOALS: Social Inclusion using Sports and Mobility as tools

Applicant: CDC de Fornos de Algodres Place: Fornos de Algodres, Portugal Partners: 10 partners from different EU countries

“NEW PARTNERSHIPS, NEW GOALS: Social Inclusion using Sports and Mobility as tools" is a project based in building partnerships around Europe and Nighborhood countries, having as main activity a Partnership Building Activity that will take place in Fornos de Algodres, Portugal, during 7 days, including travel days, between 18th to 24th May 2015. In those dates, organizations from different countries and different cultures,will bring their goals, experiences and skills to share between them to build new partnerships, new projects and new synergies around the topic of sports and mobility as tool for social inclusion.
During this activity, we'll use a variety of methods of non-formal education, like workshops, debates, shared presentations, onion method of evaluation, roundtables, icebreakers, group work and story construction, among others like presentations.
This project aims to build an impact not just for the participants, but, in fact, the impact will result in a better way to the participating organizations. It means that the project is built to develop, at a long-term way, new partnerships and synergies, creating not just projects, but a long term share of information and experiences, being a long term developed way for each organization involved, in a direct our indirect way, once that we'll assist to a learning process that extends itself to other local or international partners.
In fact, every participating organizations already identified common targets to support commonly in a long term way, through sports and/or mobility projects as tool of its inclusion processes.
As results we expect to create new projects, based in shared development of the organizations presented in this partnership, giving, at the same time, more opportunities to their young people, building an Europe built by a cohesive group of citizens where mobility and sports are intelligent tools to use.

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Project overview

NEW PARTNERSHIPS, NEW GOALS: Social Inclusion using Sports and Mobility as tools is a project by
taking place
from 2015-02-25 till 2015-10-31

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