Mobile Youth Work - Study Visit

A Study Visit focused on Mobile Youthwork with Tinemobilul - the first and still the only Mobile Youth Centre in Romania.

We are looking for 1-2 partner organizations interested in the sending their staff member or close collaborators to our Study Visit focused on Mobile Youthwork.
The study visit lasts 4 working days (12 - 17 of October) and it is meant for those organizations that do mobile/ detached youthwork or that are willing to start doing it and they want some more inspiration.
Since there will be about 10 organizations part of this project, this will be a great chance also for networking and future project planning, hence we are looking for partner organization that can send 1-2 staff members.
If you are interested in the topic and you would like to know more or to be a partner write to me at

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Project overview

Mobile Youth Work - Study Visit is a project by
Curba de Cultura
taking place
from 2023-10-12 till 2023-10-17
This project relates to:
Training and Networking

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