Mind Matters: Spreading Awareness and Promoting Mental Health

The project aims to spread awareness and understanding of people with mental illnesses and promote mental health.

The project aims to spread awareness and understanding of people with mental illnesses and promote mental health. Mental health is an essential aspect of an individual's overall well-being. Still, deficiencies in social education often cause the exclusion of people with mental illnesses from social life. Prejudices, stereotypes, and ignorance create a distance between people without and people with mental illnesses. Through this project, we aim to educate and empower young people to support and include people with mental illnesses in their everyday lives.


- To educate participants about the different types of mental illnesses, their effects on individuals, and ways to help them in their everyday life;
- To promote intercultural integration and exchange international experience in the field of promoting mental health;
- To build mutual empathy and understanding towards people with mental illnesses;
- To create actions that pay attention to the needs of people with mental illnesses and promote mental health habits.

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Project overview

Mind Matters: Spreading Awareness and Promoting Mental Health is a project by
Associaton for cultural, sport and educational development “World of Change”
taking place
from 2024-10-01 till 2024-10-01
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • European citizenship
  • Health
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Youth policy

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