Millennials in the European Capitals of Culture...Twenty years later

Past, Present and Future of the European capitals of culture of the year 2000 with the eyes of Millennials

The European Capital of Culture is a European city designated by the European Union, which for a year has the opportunity to promote the cultural life of the city, its region and its country.
Since 2000, the year in which nine cities have been designated as European capitals of culture to celebrate the transition to the new millennium, guidelines have been outlined which call the cities awarded the title to adopt a strategy that involves the involvement of the population local, which takes into account the European and international dimension of the proposed activities and which is consistent with a long-term vision of local and regional development.
This project aims to bring together some young Europeans from those cities born near the new millennium with the aim to create a blog to share the different experiences that took place in each city twenty years ago and and launch new ideas.
The question underlying this project is the following: how was the year 2000?
This question will be the guiding line before, during and after the project to highlight, with the eyes of the young people, the effects that the designation of the European capital of culture has had on each city.
We are looking for young people from these cities:
- Reykjavik;
- Bergen;
- Bruxelles;
- Cracovia;
- Santiago de Compostela;
- Bologna.

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Project overview

Millennials in the European Capitals of Culture...Twenty years later is a project by
Bokra Sawa
taking place
from 2020-01-01 till 2022-01-01
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Art
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • European citizenship
  • History
  • Innovation
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
  • Social media
  • Urban/rural development

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