Mental Health through Nature and Community

The youth exchange will explore the themes of mental health, environment, and community and their links through non-formal learning.

Mental Health through Nature and Community is an educational program of the Federation of Children's and Youth Municipal Councils. The program focuses on the mental health of young people. The aim is to help young people recognize why it is important to invest time and energy in their mental health, in addition to their physical health, and to understand the impact they have and can have on their environment and community. And to recognize the impact of nature and community on them and their mental health.

About project
The project is built around 3 main topics: mental health, environment, and community. The Youth Exchange program is built around these and their links.

The aim of the Youth Exchange is to make young people aware of the importance of dealing with their mental health in their everyday lives and to introduce them to practices and tools that can help them to do so. The program will also address the issue of the environment and sustainability, in addition to my impact on nature and the impact of nature on me and my mental health. We also look at the role of the community. What impact can a young person have on their community? What impact can the community have on them? These and similar questions are explored during the youth exchange.

Methods used
The youth exchange will be based on an interactive and participative approach. The processes of learning from each other and learning by doing will be crucial. Non-formal learning methods will be used during the entire program of the youth exchange e.g. workshops, simulational practices, etc.

Group size and Partner Organizations
Besides Hungary, we would like to invite 2-3 other countries, because we already have 1 partner.

The group size would be the usual 5-6 young people (15-17 years old) and 1 group leader (over 18). That means we will have in total 30 young people that are taking part in the youth exchange and 5 or 6 group leaders, accompanied by facilitators and support staff of 4 people.

Working language
A minimum basic level of English is required.

Target group
The youth exchange is aimed to involve organizations or informal groups of young people from Erasmus+ YOUTH IN ACTION PROGRAMME COUNTRIES who have already registered on the Participant Portal and obtained an OID code.
We are looking for organizations that are working with young people from different cultural backgrounds or where diversity is very relevant and visible. We believe that this youth exchange would be also a great opportunity for those who have never participated before in any youth exchange or other international projects.
We are looking for young people:
- who want to live more consciously, in terms of mental health, environment, and community,
- who are happy to think and learn about this together with young people from different cultures and backgrounds.
The target group for the youth exchange is between 15-18, and group leaders should be above 18.

APV - Aug 30-Sept 2. 2023.
Youth Exchange - Oct 29-Nov 07. 2023.

Location: Liptód, Hungary

How to apply:
If you would like to join the project, please send the completed PIF below to by 20 June 2023.

Other information
Let us know if you have any questions by mailing to please refer to the subject of the mail: Mental health through nature and community. Thank you in advance!

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Project overview

Mental Health through Nature and Community is a project by
taking place
from 2023-10-29 till 2023-11-07
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Environment
  • Health
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning

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