Make Europe Great Again (MEGA)

Do you like politics? Do you vote? Do you know these influence your life if you like it or not?!

Project title: Make Europe Great Again (MEGA)

Topics: European Identity, Education, European
Elections, Economics, regional conflicts, active citizenship, political speech, and media influence.

Type of project: Youth Exchange

Date: 15-22.11.2019

Venue: Novaci, Romania

The number of participants for each organization: 8 teenagers + 1 leader

Age of participants: 17-24

Description of the project: "MEGA" 's aim is to teach young people how to make their political choices, what they should know about their country's values, and how to act better in their community; As we love to say "leave the world better than you found it".
European Identity, Education, Economics, regional conflicts, active citizenship, political speech and media influence on the debate, these are some of the topics we're going to approach by the course of the project.
The reflection becomes an opportunity to find out something more about their individual potential as citizens, about their rights and about the cultural background building their set of values.
We are looking for partners from all of Europe.

If you are interested in joining this project please fill in this short form:

*Mutual partnerships will be our priority

This project has been viewed 189 times.

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Project overview

Make Europe Great Again (MEGA) is a project by
SCOUT Society
taking place
from 2019-11-15 till 2019-11-22
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • European citizenship
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
  • Peace and conflict
  • Policy-making
  • Social media
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles

Short URL to this project:

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