Looking for Coordinator - KA220 VET: Training SMEs to introduce the Position of Machine Learning Specialist

MACINAI project offers ML tools training for VET trainers and SMEs, enhancing decision-making, efficiency, plus developing various ML specialist resources

MACINAI aims to provide innovative information to VET trainers who are helping SMEs development. VET trainers will learn how to introduce SMEs from different fields to Machine Learning tools, helping them in their decision making, speeding up their business processes, lowering product and service costs and serving customers more efficiently. Simultaneously, SMEs’ managers, owners and their key staff members will have access to an innovative curriculum, becoming Machine Learning specialists.

The project will develop:
●State of the art on Machine Learning specialist profile and his workplace
●Machine Learning (ML) specialist training curriculum
●MACINAI training scenarios
●e-MACINAI platform
●Assessment tool for the Machine Learning specialists that will be included in the e-MACINAI platform
●VET trainer toolkit
●Dissemination and exploitation activities

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Project overview

Looking for Coordinator - KA220 VET: Training SMEs to introduce the Position of Machine Learning Specialist is a project by
BK Plus Europe
taking place
from 2024-10-01 till 2026-09-30
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships, Capacity Building

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