Looking for Coordinator - KA220 VET: Building a Greener Mindset towards Mitigation of Environmental Footprint (GAMENF):

GAMENF project aims to boost adult environmental literacy, aligning with UN's SDGs to reduce carbon footprint through education.

The Building a Greener Mindset towards Mitigation of Environmental Footprint (GAMENF) project, funded under the ERASMUS+ Programme, seeks to address the critical issue of environmental degradation by fostering environmental literacy among adult European citizens. With a focus on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 11, 12, and 13, the project aims to educate adults on the impact of their daily habits on the environment, including the use of plastics, extensive driving, and lack of waste management. By developing a state-of-the-art training curriculum, educational seminars, and workshops, GAMENF intends to cultivate a greener mindset among adults, encouraging them to mitigate their environmental footprint and adopt more sustainable practices.

The project's innovative approach includes the development of a Competencies Framework focusing on environmental behavior literacy, particularly in areas such as mobility, household management, and plastic use. This framework will support the creation of training materials, a self-assessment tool, and the engagement of adult ambassadors to spread awareness. Furthermore, the establishment of the GAMENF e-learning platform and certification, alongside an online forum and a toolkit for Green Ambassadors, aims to disseminate knowledge and foster a community of learners committed to environmental sustainability. This digital approach not only enhances accessibility and engagement but also aligns with the EU's digitalization priorities.

GAMENF stands out for its commitment to empowering adults to play a pivotal role in combating climate change through informed choices and sustainable living. By targeting adults, particularly those over 60 who significantly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, the project addresses a crucial demographic, enabling them to lead by example in their communities. The project's focus on upskilling and promoting local learning centers as innovative learning spaces further contributes to its goal of creating sustainable and inclusive communities. Through its comprehensive and innovative strategies, GAMENF aims to make a significant impact on environmental awareness and action, aligning with both EU and global sustainability objectives.

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Project overview

Looking for Coordinator - KA220 VET: Building a Greener Mindset towards Mitigation of Environmental Footprint (GAMENF): is a project by
BK Plus Europe
taking place
from 2024-10-01 till 2026-09-30
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships, Capacity Building

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