Looking for Coordinator - KA220 ADU: Reduction of Εnergy Consumption at home using Meaningful Gamification (RESHOME)

The RESHOME project aims to reduce household energy consumption through meaningful gamification and at the same time lead them to a more ecological mindset

The global trend in increasing energy consumption has led many countries to be interested in proposing methods that allow reducing their consumption and at the same time transitioning to renewable energy sources. The increase in energy demand leaves conventional energy systems at a disadvantage, so it is necessary to explore and implement strategies aimed at energy conservation. In view of the winter, Europe seeks on the one hand to reduce the demand for natural gas and electricity and on the other hand to wean itself off from Russian natural gas. European movements are both collective and individual at the national level. The 27 countries of the European Union aim to reduce natural gas use by 15% by this winter. According to a report by Bloomberg, in order to achieve this specific goal, each country has taken individual measures, which, among other things, include limiting public lighting at night, to lowering the thermostat in workplaces. Germany, for example, has passed measures it estimates will help cut natural gas consumption by 1/5 this fall and winter. Among other things, they provide for the interruption of hot water in public swimming pools, a ban on the heating of certain areas in public buildings, a reduction of the minimum office temperature to 19 degrees Celsius, a ban on more external lighting in buildings and monuments and an increase in energy efficiency in buildings, both public and private.

Taking into consideration the aforementioned analysis, the RESHOME project aims to reduce household energy consumption through meaningful gamification and at the same time lead them to a more ecological mindset. It has been proven in several cases how positive changes in human behavior have been achieved through gamification. Thus, by changing the way households and citizens deal with energy consumption, we aspire with our work to offer significant benefits and changes to European society.

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Project overview

Looking for Coordinator - KA220 ADU: Reduction of Εnergy Consumption at home using Meaningful Gamification (RESHOME) is a project by
BK Plus Europe
taking place
from 2024-10-01 till 2026-09-30
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships, Capacity Building

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