Local European Citizenship Education for Youth

Project will provide European citizenship education to young people in local communities across Europe.

Vila Boa do Bispo, parish council from Portugal is preparing project proposal within KA1 Mobility of Youth workers of Erasmus+ programme of European Commision for deadline October 2014. Project will provide European citizenship education to young people in local communities across Europe. Objectives of the project are:
- To educate 30 youth workers and young leaders from 10 different European countries about European citizenship education, its history, importance and theory,
- To develop methods and tools and adapt existing sources to the needs of local communities and target groups of involved partner organisations,
- To develop capacities of partner organisations to include European citizenship education to existing practices, services and activities and create new local, national and international project and initiatives,
-To develop partnership and future cooperation among youth organisations, public institutions and other stakeholder for common work on identified issues.
When we talk with young people, look at information in media and search for information regarding European Union and Europe in general most common association will be Euroscepticism. Our goal is to start new age of Euro-optimism and provide European citizenship and European awareness education to new generations of Europeans that see all benefits of European integration as granted, but not something that was hardly built by European communities and people in last 70 decades.
In this moment there are 5 partner organisations from different Erasmus+ program countries involved in the project. We are looking for 5 more partner organisations, non-profit entities (youth NGOs, schools, public bodies from local level and others) that would be interested to take part in this project. Project will include one mobility activity – training course that will be hosted in Spring 2019 in Portugal and involve 3 youth workers from each partner organisation.
If you are interested to take part in this project, please send us your PIF and Mandate, as soon as possible on the email vjslv.vjc@gmail.com

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Project overview

Local European Citizenship Education for Youth is a project by
C:E:T platform
taking place
from 2019 till 2019
This project relates to:
Training and Networking

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