“LOADING…”- promoting the proper use of social networks

"Loading..." is a training course to recover all these social abilities and ways of communication that have been lost because of the social networks abuse.

After the first decade of 21 century, social networks became an indispensable tool to achieve our daily basic tasks. The existence of such technologies has made enormously easier the access to information, the achievement of job or education tasks, the organization of leisure activities and also the interrelationships. Nowadays, social networks are not just improving these activities, but their usage and management are becoming indispensable. As a consequence, borders between countries and regions are smaller and the time required for many daily tasks decrease. Thus, both global and local efficiency have been improved. Besides these advantages, we should also take into account which skills or attitudes have been directly or indirectly harmed by the use of social networks. Therefore, within the principal aims of this project is to identify such abilities and to explore potential ways to recover them. We believe that society has lost many abilities to inter and also intrapersonal communication. Thus, our opinion is that social networks and especially their advantages are extremely connected with the proper usage of them.
To promote a proper use of social networks it is crucial to take into account the DIGITAL GAP phenomenon, closely linked to the generational gap. People who were born in the digital generation are very familiar to new technologies, having no troubles to use internet, video games, mobile phones or computers. On the contrary and in general, previous generations are less familiar to such technologies, ignoring, in many cases, how to use them. Here we could see an empty space that could lead to risky situations.
Since the development of social networks seems to increase and its use is indispensable, we consider hardly important to guide and inform both parts of the gap (digital and analogical generations).

-To encourage the proper use of social networks in the general population.
-To provide tools, methods and skills useful for the participants’ organizations.
-To recover all these social abilities and ways of communication that have been lost because of the social networks abuse.
-To create an intercultural space where participants could exchange skills, experience and common motivation in order to improve their work with youth.
-To train youth workers and organizations to guide and inform the population about how to put in practice a good use of social networks.
-To give the opportunity of being in contact with new partners, people and/or organizations and to promote the creation of future projects within the Erasmus+ Frame.

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Project overview

“LOADING…”- promoting the proper use of social networks is a project by
taking place
from 2015-05 till 2015-09
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Innovation
  • Media and communication
  • Social media

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