Learn, act, grow - developing competencies of youth workers

" Learn, act, grow - developing competencies of youth workers", TC in Cracow Poland.

The TC is designed for those participants who are focused on developing their competences to strengthen effectiveness of their work with youth. We will use a variety of working methods based on:

• non-formal learning, coaching,
• dynamic exercises, role plays,
• games, brainstorming, simulations,
• case studies based on a creativity.

Our aim is - inspire participants to enhance skills related to:

• intercultural dialogue,
• creative entrepreneurship,
• social project for youth,
• situation on modern labor market,
• empowering of active civic life.

As host organization Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Nieformalnej Kulturatka will provide this opportunity for 8 days TC for 40 youth workers, youth leaders, teachers, educators, project managers, social workers, actively involved in youth work.

Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Nieformalnej Kulturatka – The Association was founded in 2006 by young people interested in integration and culture. The association was established to facilitate access to culture for young people and those for whom access to culture can be difficult for financial reasons. Group consists of young, open-minded people who are very happy to contribute to this discussion on the similarities and differences among young people in modern Europe. Our usual activities is: promotion of cultural events, writing and publishing articles on the website, organizing competitions for young people at risk of social exclusion, participation in cultural events, working with young people, teaching young people how to promote culture, how to work with cultural institutions, meetings with youngsters and discussing various matters associated with young people.

The main topics of the TC:

•The development of partnerships by initiating cooperation between organizations.
•The development of intercultural dialogue, tolerance and understanding of cultural diversity.
•The exchange of good practices and experiences in the implementation of development projects aimed at tackling social exclusion.
•Competence development of youth workers in project management, with particular emphasis on projects for people at risk of social exclusion.
•Tools and methods for effective work with young people at risk of social exclusion
•Increase knowledge of the situation on the European labor market.
•Methods for the development of entrepreneurship and creativity of young people in an international environment.
• Partners – 9 partners - Now we're looking for 1 more partner from Germany who will select 3 participants for this training (1 F and 2 M)
• Deadline Deadline for this partner request: 18.01.2015
• Period From 18-25.03.2015 (8 days of TC)
• Place Kraków, Poland

If you are interested in partnership, please send me an e-mail with filled in document:

1. Fill in and send via e-mail attached document “Partner_form_Learn, act grow”

Please find attached below documents.

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Project overview

Learn, act, grow - developing competencies of youth workers is a project by
Kulturatka - Association of culture and non-formal education
taking place
from 2015-03-18 till 2015-03-25
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Youth policy

Short URL to this project:


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