KA220-VET: Care for the Carers

KA220-VET project with 400,000 EUR

The organisation must have relevant experience in mental health, health and social care, caregiving, wellbeing etc.

The project "Care for the Carers", is a project that refers to the mental health providers (doctors, care givers, nurses, staff) in all the partner counties. Within this project, we will explore an innovative perspective regarding the vocational education and training of the medical and non-medical professionals working in the field of mental health. Within this project we will explore new and innovative ways to develop new skills and knowledge, through education and training for the above target group.

The outcomes of the project will be the following:
- Research on 200 care givers, medical and non medical staff, about the barriers and facilitators that may negatively impact the resilience and mental health of frontline health and social care professionals.
- Qualitative and Quantitative results
- 4 Transnational Meetings where the partners will work on the outcomes of the project, exchange of knowledge and experiences.
- Training and Education based on Cognitive Behavioral Approach, of frontline health and social care professionals, on self-care skills, and identification of barriers and facilitators that may cause burn out.
- Guide written in all participant countries’ languages about policies, strageties in all participant countries regarding the mental health sector, and share of best practices of each partner country. Suggestions for policy makers, health sectors, directors of health centres etc. on the subject of resilience of mental health professionals

This project has been viewed 180 times.
We're looking for:
1 more partners
from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
Deadline for this partner request:

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Project overview

KA220-VET: Care for the Carers is a project by
European Competence Institute
taking place
from 2023 till 2025
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships
and is focusing on:
  • Innovation
  • Integration
  • Non-formal learning
  • Policy-making

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