KA152 YOUTH EXCHANGE Project name: Emotional intelligence and youth

KA152 YOUTH EXCHANGE Project name: Emotional intelligence and youth

Unfortunately, individuals in adolescence experience and have difficulties in expressing their emotions and experience psychological problems. According to the World Health Organization data; 1 out of every 7 young people (13%) experience anxiety and depression (among other reasons) as a result of not managing their own emotions properly.

Apart from adolescence alone, young people in Europe have experienced quite a lot of emotional events and situations.

Apart from the hormonal and major events mentioned above, our emotions deeply affect our relationship with others and ourselves, our ability to maintain self-control, manage conflicts and solve problems. Our emotions are also a powerful source of data about what is important to us, what we care about, who we feel safe with, and how we want to live our lives.

For this reason, it is very important to support the emotional intelligence of especially young individuals. However, if young people's emotional intelligence is supported, they can become healthy adults.

Project location: Adana
Project Duration: 6 days (Exclude travel days)
Every partner will send 6 people and one group leader

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Project overview

KA152 YOUTH EXCHANGE Project name: Emotional intelligence and youth is a project by
Çukurova Gelecek Nesil Gençlik Association
taking place
from 2023-08-14 till 2024-08-14
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Health
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Youth policy

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