(KA152) 21st century challenge: Extremism and radicalization

(KA152) 21st-century challenge: Extremism and radicalization

A series of terrorist attacks in recent years have targeted vulnerable groups (Muslims, Roma, immigrants and refugees etc.)
rate of extremism and youth radicalization, including attacks on the
The rise raised concerns all over Europe and in Turkey. Extremism and youth radicalization
had an important place in the agendas of the constructors and many programs began to be developed in this area. Because the excess
Radicalization badly affects young people, damaging core European values.
Project location: Adana
Project Duration: 7 days (Exclude travel days)
Every partner will send 6 people and one group leader

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Project overview

(KA152) 21st century challenge: Extremism and radicalization is a project by
Çukurova Gelecek Nesil Gençlik Association
taking place
from 2023-04-02 till 2025-04-02
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • European citizenship
  • Human rights
  • Peace and conflict
  • Youth policy

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