KA - 204 Salvation Village(about alcohol and drugs addict)

KA 204 - The subject of project; Alcohol and drug dependence is a good observation of people's rehabilitation.

3 Visits, Closing Meeting,
"Observation of rehabilitation practices" for dependent people, observation of socialization activities, addiction prevention training to people , dissemination activities,
help for getting a job.

Local partners of the project; provincial directorate of food agriculture animal husbandry,
work and employment agency,
provincial health directorate

For other projects: https://goo.gl/vA72qd

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Project overview

KA - 204 Salvation Village(about alcohol and drugs addict) is a project by
International Public, Municipal And Non-Governmental Organizations Project Support Association - Proder NGO
taking place
from 2018-11-15 till 2020-11-15
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships
and is focusing on:
  • Health
  • Integration
  • Non-formal learning
  • Policy-making
  • Unemployment/employability
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Health problems
alcohol and drug addicted people

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