Job Me! Multilateral Youth Exchange

JOB ME! is a youth exchange that will tackle the issue of youth unemployment. We still need two more partners from Program Countries.

Youth unemployment is an overgrowing issue in today’s EU countries. Young people struggle everywhere in Europe to find a job, to make a career and to have the life that they deserve. The current situation is a challenge for youngsters as they are not prepared to face the requirements of the job market, and the job market looks unwilling to adapt to the new generation. The statistics shows that one in every five young European is unemployed.
Job Me! is an youth exchange idea meant to gather participants from countries around EU and to disscuss, reflect, act and share possibilities of better prepare the young people for today’s and tomorrow’s job market.
In Romania, one of the 28 EU countries that will be the host of this youth Exchange. The place is Ramnicu Valcea, a city in central Romania.
May 2016 (the exact date will be discussed with the partners)

With who?
We are looking for partner organizations in two more Program Countries, as we already have partners from France and Italy. The participants should be, as required by the Program Guide, aged 18 – 25 plus a group leader (no age limit). Each group will have 5 participants and 1 group leader. It will be good if the groups can be gender balanced. English at a conversational level should be a must, at least for the leader. We want to include in this event young people that are unemployed or looking for a job, as their experience will prove to be a source of learning during the exchange.
The aims of this project are:
- To develop the sense of solidarity among young people participating in this Youth Exchange
- To bring out the skills required on the process of job searching, and to determine the young participants to better understand the mechanisms of job market
- To explore the intercultural dimension of this exchange by putting together people from different parts of EU.
- To enhance the language skills of participants, as they are required to communicate with each other and to work together in groups.
- To better understand the EU policies in the field of youth and to create a network of young people and organizations that are acting for youth employment

Practical Arrangements
The practical arrangements will be discussed with the partners at a later date. Never the less, the arrangement will be according with the Erasmus+ Program Guide.
The Deadline
As we are willing to submit this project in 1 October deadline we will ask the organizations that want to participate to send us a mail with the organization’s profile and mandate letter at as soon as possible. The deadline for this request is 15 of September

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Project overview

Job Me! Multilateral Youth Exchange is a project by
Asociatia "Youth on the Move"
taking place
from 2016-05 till 2016-06
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences

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