Innovative strategies to engage men in information access to inclusion

Engaging men in information access to enable them support access to care for children with disabilities

Two thirds believe that women won’t achieve equality in their country unless men take actions to support women’s rights too.
In most countries childcare is no longer seen as the preserve of the woman however, quite a number of men especially in low income countries tend to think that a child with disability should only belong to a woman. Avery big number of female care givers have been abandoned by their male partners who think that women are responsible for the disability of their children. this is mainly due to lack of awareness about disability, poor attitude and stigma, fear of responsibility and peer influence.
Many intervention have been put in place to address such issue however, men have not been actively involved AND some are willing to learn about the disability but the interventions are not feasible to them given their busy schedules and naturally their poor practices towards treatment seeking.

We however know men and their likes and hang out options! and modes of communication through which we can avail them with health related information on child care, disability among others.

I would therefore request for partners from EU based organization to develop further the idea and submit on our behalf as the coordinating partner.
We have no reservation about the strategies and mode of intervention that can be acceptable to men and give us a plat form to share with them information.
Looking forward for collaborating with you on this.

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Project overview

Innovative strategies to engage men in information access to inclusion is a project by
Shynea Uganda
taking place
from 2020-08-15 till 2021-09-01
This project relates to:
Capacity Building
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Disability
  • Gender equality
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Health problems
Young men and men. And in this we would like to have the expert in proposal writing for the development of the idea 2. Project financial resources for all the activities as they will be listed by the coordinator 3.

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