ImAGE & DialogArt

The objective of the project is to challenge young people to have a creative vision about demographic ageing that acquires considerable importance in the EU.

To confront demographic change in Europe 85% of EU citizens consider important financial support in promoting initiatives and projects that unite the young and the elderly (Eurobarometer of 2008).
The activities provided for transnational initiative will be a set of workshops in which emphasis is the active participation of young people through non-formal education.
It is hoped that young people will interact with the elderly in a new language, simple – an intergenerational language -, creative, within an active citizenship fighting all forms of discrimination, especially discrimination based on age.
 Engage, challenge and encourage youth to give your creative vision through photography / other means of art as a way to combat discrimination based on age;
 Portraying the form of grandparents living in its various facets, regardless of their social position, profession, environment, hobbies, etc.. Normal everyday situations that characterize the life of each one;
 Breaking barriers between age groups through a shared activity, enjoyable and promote respect and understanding between the generations;
 Multiply this initiative with sustainable solutions that extend their results, especially for young people in disadvantaged social environments;
 Promote the values ​​of the Youth in Action, the communities that serve as a scenario, throughout the project.

4 participants (aged 18-30) + 1 leader (no age limits) per partner

How to apply to be a partner:
Send an email to with the filled form in attached.

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Project overview

ImAGE & DialogArt is a project by
Co(op)ração - Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social
taking place
from 2013-01-01 till 2013-12-30
This project relates to:
Action 1.2 (Youth Initiatives)
and is focusing on:
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning

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