Healthy Living Healthy Development

The project’s main goal is to share between 36 young people from 6 countries the attributes of a healthy lifestyle.

The project’s main goal is to help teenagers find out how to live a healthier life trough sports and nutrition. It will take place in Izvoarele / Maneciu villages, Prahova county in Romania from 24 June to 3rd of July 2015 and it will involve groups of 6 young people + 1 leader from 5 countries, including Romania.
For one week the participants will learn how keep their body fit by exercising and eating healthy food. They will do daily workouts, swim, ride bikes and play a variety of games and cook healthy dishes.

This project has been viewed 131 times.

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Project overview

Healthy Living Healthy Development is a project by
Curba de Cultura
taking place
from 2015-06-24 till 2015-07-03
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sports
  • Urban/rural development

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