Happy kids, better Europe. Vol.2

In this project We coordinate work of 10 volunteers in different HO: state and private kindergartens, schools and associations.

EVS project "Happy Kids better Europe" is being implemented in three host organizations from Wroclaw in the period 01.01.2017-31.03.2018 The coordinator is the Foundation for Social Integration Prom.
The main objective of the project is to develop awareness and promote mutual understanding of different cultures and countries among all the participants by allowing international contacts and active participation. The main topics of the project are: Creativity and culture; EU citizenship, a European consciousness and democracy. Four hours per week will be devoted to the Polish language lessons. Methods that will be used in the project: workshops, observations, exchange of views, discussions, multimedia presentations, international meetings, integration, manual work, games and movement involve the active participation of volunteers. For the project we want to invite people who like to work with little children, willing to exchange experiences and share knowledge, interested in long-term work in a foreign country, who want to develop their linguistic and intercultural competences.
All activities will take place in three different educational institiutions from Wroclaw: in Kindergarten No. 2 The Secret Garden (activity A1 with partner countries) 3 participants from Italy, Russia and Lithuania, in Strachota Foundation and its Non-public Ecological Kindergarten (activity A2 with program countries) 2 participants from Hungary and Spain, in conducted by the Open Education Society Primary School "Swallow" (A3 activity with program countries) 1 participant from Spain.
The overall objectives of the project will be implemented through the appointment of 6 volunteers. Sharing flats, togheter stay in Poland, observing the ways of working kindergarten teachers, learning, experiencing the differences and similarities, participating in training, running own classes they develop a sense of solidarity and tolerance towards what different and new. Knowledge about themselves, other cultures and skills (linguistic, mathematical, social, civic, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship) they will gain will help strengthen their position in the labor market, active participation in society as well as to deepen mutual understanding among all participants. One of the results of the project will be an e-book with popular games from different countries developed jointly by volunteers for future EVS volunteers and others working with children.

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Project overview

Happy kids, better Europe. Vol.2 is a project by
Fundacja Integracji Społecznej Prom
taking place
from 2017-01 till 2018-03
This project relates to:
Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
and is focusing on:
  • Art
  • Children
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Peace and conflict

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