Global Responsibility Education

The main aim of the project is to promote Global Responsibility Education and to popularize the 17 Goals for Sustainable Development of UN.

Since 2015 the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bulgaria Association together with 9 more organizations has been a partner in Erasmus+KA2 project for developing methods and routines for mainstreaming Global Responsibility Education (GRE) in schools and youth organizations around Europe. As a result of this project a method -box in GRE has been developed focusing students age between 7 and 21 years old. Another result of this project has been the creation of Certification System for secondary schools and NGOs in the partners' countries that mainstreams GRE in their practices. The methods and the certification system have been tested in a couple of institutions around Europe so far and since the results have been really quite impressive. The Big Borthers Big Sisters of Bulgaria Association is one of the seven contact points for the GRE certification system around Europe and as such we would like to continue our work in promoting these methods among youth workers and students and encouraging their institutions to practice GRE as a part in or out of school curricular.

The main objectives of this project are:
- to get together 38 trainers (youth workers and teacher) from at least 13 countries and train them in working with different methods for promoting the 17 Global goals for sustainable development among young people on national level;
- to implement the GRE methodology among at least 20 institutions (schools, NGOs and authorities) and to help them pass through the GRE certification process;
- to build capacity of the partner organizations and other stakeholders reached within the lifetime of the project to provide GRE to pupils and young people in their countries.

Project duration: September 1st,. 2017 – June 1st, 2018
Main activities:
1. Training of trainers: 2-8 October, 2017, Plovdiv (Bulgaria);
2. Methods testing period: 10 October – 31 December, 2017 (locally in the countries participating);
3.Certification of institutions with GRE label: 1 January – 1 April, 2018 (locally in the countries participating);
4. Evaluation meeting: 15-18 April, 2018, Plovdiv (Bulgaria).

This project has been viewed 151 times.

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Project overview

Global Responsibility Education is a project by
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bulgaria Association
taking place
from 2017-09-01 till 2018-06-01
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
-Youth workers -Teachers -NGO leaders and staff members -Active volunteers -Able to test the training methods among young people on local/national level aftre the training course

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