Get Well! 2015

Through informal learning youngsters with disadvantages familiarize themselves with budget and healthy lifestyles.

Workshop that deals with a specific problem that interests youngster who gather to discuss it. Discussion takes places in groups where youngsters from different countries share their experiences based on their homeland. There will be an exchange of thoughts and the outcome will be ideas on how to find solution to the problem on local as well as international level. Discussion is guided by tutors from Estonia and abroad. There are planned discussions on the specific issue. Games by Seikluring ( that improve team building and social skills, that also lead you to overcome your fears. Nutrition workshop where with guidance of nutritionist youngsters practise to prepare healthy meals. Discussion and practise about variety of low-cost training methods (with and without tools) with guidance of a tutor.

It would be really great if your organisation could provide a short motivational letter of what you could give to this project or what your ideas regarding this issue are.

Looking forward to hearing from you ! :)

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Project overview

Get Well! 2015 is a project by
MTÜ Better Today
taking place
from 2015-06-27 till 2015-07-04
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Health
  • Innovation
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sports
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles
Youngsters aged 16-19 from families who have low or middle class income

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