Financial Alliteration for Youth Development

Looking for partner for a KA151 project (Youth Exchange) related to financial allitteration for youngsters

One of the mayor obstacle to youngsters housing is the lack of financial alliteration in early age. Because of lack of knowledge young people specially in southern country are not willing to move from their parents' house and being indipendent.
This YE aims at acquiring competences on easy financial matter for youngsters and reflecting on their potential. The project would like to give youngsters the necessary tools in order to be active citizens, indipendent and self-conscious.
Each partner is required to drive an activity regarding this topic to be shared with other partners
Participants: 5 youngsters 16-18 years old + 1 youth leader with deep experience. At least 2 participant with fewer opportunities.

We are looking for partners with the following requirements that will be verified throught application form and interview:
- You have the capacity to involve youngsters from your local community. Organization fishing participants in the web will not be considered;
- You have the capacity to provide contribution in the timetable of activities. Your groups is responsible to drive an activity;
- You can provide real time replies to our email and communications, your group is committed in full participating for the whole duration of the project;
- You provide a long and deep pre-departure training;
- You are aware that this is not a summer camp or holiday, but a learning experience
- You can provide a deep and impacting dissemination in your country

The participation is free of charge. There will be a selection.
If you are interested please contact us at

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Project overview

Financial Alliteration for Youth Development is a project by
Associazione InCo-Molfetta APS
taking place
from 2022-06-15 till 2022-06-20
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges

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