Finance and you

Financial literacy - skill which helps to avoid mistakes and succeed in life. Financial literate youth can highly contribute to economical and social well-being

We will ignore emails which don't include three questions - answers from the end of the description.
MUTUAL PARTNERSHIP would be appreciated.

Financial literacy is the mixture of financial, credit and debt management and the knowledge that is necessary to make financially responsible decisions – decisions that are integral to our everyday lives. Personal finance, responsible and long-term planning of finances are essential for every individual, family. However, very often, especially between youngsters, we see spontaneous decisions, unplanned purchases and no saving or investing for the future.

Project's objectives:
- To analyse the reasons of impulsive and irresponsible behaviour with personal finances and look for solutions
- To learn about benefits of investing and long-term finance planning
- To change attitudes and behaviour with personal finance, using improved financial literacy skills
- To promote Erasmus+ programme and its objectives

Each partner will select 7 young participants (plus 1 group leader) aged 16 – 24 years (no age limit for group leader). At least 2 young participants will be facing fewer opportunities (economic, social, geographical obstacles or other).
Exchange will be prepared, implemented, disseminated and the programme of exchange will be facilitated together with young participants, so please keep in mind that full involvement of participants will be expected.

Dates of the project: 7th - 14th of October, 2019 (8 full programme days, 6th and 15th - travel days).
Project will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania

Exchange programme will include (in addition to typical youth exchange activities):
* stock market simulation
* board game "Cashflow" and analysis
* study visit to the bank
* creating and writing personal financial plan
* seminar with investor
* presenting and analysing methodical books about investing, finance management and financial independence

If you would be interested to join, please send us email to with your PIF and answer couple questions:
1. What are your dissemination channels?
2. What are your organisation's needs in relation to project's topic.
3. Priority in partner selection will be given for the ones with mutual partnership proposal.
Looking forward to our collaboration!

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Project overview

Finance and you is a project by
Unique Projects
taking place
from 2019-09-07 till 2019-09-14
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Leadership
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability

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