Filter your Film - youth exchange

In this Project we want to take a critical look on our daily companion, Social media. What impact does the constant accesses to social media have on us?

Our international youth exchange “Filter your film” takes place at the House across Borders in Lommel, Belgium next to the biggest German war grave cemetery in Western Europe. The “House across Borders” is a youth-meeting and education centre organizing historical and political workshops with school classes as well as doing research and developing other projects (e.g. exhibitions, events etc.).
From the 03th to the 15th of July young people from different European countries will meet in Lommel and discover each other’s culture and habits. When we take a look at the world today, we notice that our generation has a strong co-dependency to social media. The Internet allows us to get a good look into the lives of others all around the world.
But what impact do these information have on us? Do we need to filter them?
It’s no secret that politicians and corporate companies know of these effects as well.
In our project we want to have a look at the situation at hand, with the support from professional coaches we will work on the topic and create our own Film. We hope by bringing people together we can achieve that. We are looking forward to your participation!

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Project overview

Filter your Film - youth exchange is a project by
House Across Borders Lommel
taking place
from 2023-07-03 till 2023-07-15
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Disability
  • Cultural differences
  • Health problems
  • Geographical obstacles

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