Fashion setting the standard (Culture on display)

Fashions open the gates for Cultural Heritage and Cultural activities...

Fashion setting the standard (Culture on display) Summary

There is a need to increase intercultural contact amongst young people because of the internationalisation of business (aider91); as such, the program will improve intercultural interactions in readiness for their employment in the future. Participants will increase their awareness of culture and culture differences through the use of fashion.

The issues and needs are you seeking to address through this project are:
1. A Decline in cultural knowledge amongst young people
2. Lack of confidence in cultural identity
3. Stereotype all people from a given group as the same
4. Young people treating culture as collectively
5. Low mobility for youth age 18 -26 ages

The project will focus on cultural heritage garments, costumes, and dress that will be displayed in a Fashion Show. The participants will engage with other NGO's and an education institution in the community; these will be supporting the fashion show. The show will have guests invited and will be an opportunity to display their fashions and also raise funds for the NGO's in their community throughout the project there will be several cultural activities to reflect on culture identity.

• 7th November 2017 to 13th November 2017
• 6 nights
• 3 participants

Youth Exchange
• 14th February 2018 to 22th February 2018,
• 8 nights
• 6 participants

The aim of this project is to increase cultural identity in youth through cultural heritage, diversity and activities to boost self-confidence, self-awareness, knowledge and entrepreneurial skills and sharing with the local community.

1. Enable participants to celebrate their culture through fashion and share with their peers and develop a sense of European citizenship and identity
2. Offer the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity in their fashion designs linked to their country
3. Increase confidence and self-esteem through the organisation of a fashion event within the local community
4. Equip participants with the tools to plan and organise garments for an event, to include leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making and budgeting.
5. Develop a greater understanding and responsiveness to social and cultural diversity; increased ability to address the needs of the disadvantaged;
6. Increased support for and promotion of mobility activities for learners;
7. Increased opportunities for professional and career development;

1. Increased self-empowerment and self-esteem
2. Increase participant awareness around different culture and tradition
3. Strengthen participation citizenship and social involvement
4. Improved communication skills within the English Language
5. Enhanced employability and improved career prospects by equipping participants with essential employability skills such as teamwork, self-guided tasks, planning, problem-solving and communication
6. Developing an understanding of entrepreneurship due to the participation in the fashion show, this includes additional skills such as budgeting and networking within the fashion show.

Participants’ profile/ target group:
Marginalised young people...

This project can include:
Target group is 18 -26 ages

How to apply:
If your organisation is interested in taking part in the project, you should:

2. Fill in Partner Identification Form.
3. Fill, sign and stamp (as it is required by the British Council) Mandate.
4. Send both documents by mail to ASAP

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Project overview

Fashion setting the standard (Culture on display) is a project by
KAS Youth Hub
taking place
from 2017-06-24 till 2018-06-24
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Leadership
  • Media and communication
  • Minorities
  • Non-formal learning
  • Social media
  • Unemployment/employability
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles
Participants’ profile/ target group:  Young designer, fashion supporter, cultural enthusiast, photo/video grapher, model  Young people 18 to 25  Youth Leader 18 to 30  Minimum of 5 of your county cultural garments will be need for entre to a Fashion Show Team composition: 6 participating countries (with groups of 5 youth and 1 team leader from each country) Role of the Partners:  Finding young participants  Exchanging ideas about the content of activities and how to improve  Promoting and attending the Youth Exchange  Disseminating the final results and output of the Project.  Actively participating in the final evaluation and follow-up This project can include young people with fewer opportunities to include  Marginalised young people - Priority for NEET (young people not in employment, educational or training)  Social obstacles  Economic obstacles  Cultural differences  Geographical obstacles  Educational difficulties Target group is 18 -30 ages

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