The project "Fake Plastic Trees" is finalized to form young people who can apply recycling techniques in their personal and professional life.

Ets Ermes has the pleasure to present you its project proposal titled “Fake Plastic Trees” for the Erasmus+ KA 1- Young Exchange program which deadline is 29/04/2019, and would like to have you as a Partner of the project proposal.
The event will involve 30 young students and workers (18-30), interested in environmental matters and with the desire to contrast climatic changes. Participants will be selected among citizens, residents and people who live in the country of the four partners, with the respect of gender and ethnic equality. Each partner will choose 1 group leader and 5 participants, by a motivation letter in which candidates will explain their point of view on the environmental matter, their experiences and expectations for the project.
At the end of the project, they will have a set of intellectual and practical instruments to create a collective environmental consciousness.
We are searching for 4 partners (associations/non governmental groups/no lucrative entities/spontaneous groups of young volunteers) that would like to cooperate in the project, supporting the activities of preparation and selection of the participants and spreading all the informations about it.
The mobility will take place in Messina and will last 7 days, on August 2019, that will foresee workshops, events to clean green ares and beaches, recycling laboratories and non formal lessons by local trainers, ice-breakers, team building sessions, work groups, presentations, cultural nights, etc...

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Project overview

FAKE PLASTIC TREES is a project by
taking place
from 2019-08-13 till 2019-08-19
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Coach for Youth Initiative
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Environment
  • European citizenship
  • Innovation
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sustainable development
  • Volunteering

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