Facilitators in Education and Empowerment of Learners

The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of youth organisations to work to the best interest of young people in rural areas.

The aim of the proposed project is to increase the capacity of youth-related organisations in Europe to work with and to the best
interest of young people in rural areas.

The activities are a suite of mobilities for youth workers, 4 training courses and a job shadow activity.
Following the training courses and the job shadowing period the participants will have had improved their competencies regarding
youth work in rural settings in general, experiential learning, personal development processes, monitoring and evaluation in
personal development, groups coordination and dynamics, intercultural learning, conflict management in intercultural settings,
designing youth work activities, needs assessment for rural young people and rural communities, designing, monitoring and
evaluating learning processes for young people, event organizing.
The quality of youth work delivered by the participants’ organisations will improve and the learning outcomes for the general youth
the organisations are working with shall improve as well. Activities delivered by the youth workers once the project has ended will
increase in attractiveness and the relevance of the activities towards young people’s needs shall be higher.
In order to become a partner for this project please download the attached forms, fill them in and send them over to partnerships@curbadecultura.ro by August 31st. 2014 of course.
We are keen on developing new partnerships with relevant rural youth organisations all around Europe. Programme countries only.

This project has been viewed 99 times.

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Project overview

Facilitators in Education and Empowerment of Learners is a project by
Curba de Cultura
taking place
from 2015-02-01 till 2016-01-31
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Innovation
  • Non-formal learning
  • Urban/rural development

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