Experience(d) Youth Work

Searching for partners for a KA151 project (YWE), working directly with young people from inclusion groups in the rural areas.

The project will consist of a 5-day international training for youth workers, who work directly with young people from inclusion groups in the deprived rural environments (NEETs). The main activities will include the combination of trekking and journaling. The training will be based on experiential learning – innovative training practice of learning in movement and nature with other international youth workers while trying out different tools (nature and art therapy, different journaling techniques, non-formal group activities) and documenting the learning process. During the training, participants will be challenged to engage in learning which happens while traversing distances with difficulties and reflecting upon them. Participants will work in international teams in order to discuss and create learning opportunities for young people, using the resources of their rural local environments. In addition, each of the participant will receive a personalized journal with different methods and their own reflections of the learning process. In this way, the youth workers will improve their own competences but also will be able to use journaling as a reflection tool in their daily work with young people.

The general aim of this training is to offer participants an opportunity to exchange their experiences in working with vulnerable young people from rural areas, learn new methodologies of youth work, as well as to empower the participants to use experiential learning methods and journaling in their work with the target groups.

Other objectives include:
• reflecting on the challenges and opportunities while working with young people with fewer opportunities;
• sharing the practice and competences on how those challenges and opportunities may be addressed;
• connecting physical and mental learning process;
• learning to document non-formal learning;
• reflecting and assessing youth work practices and competences using European recognition tools;
• collecting and disseminating innovative youth work methods which can be applied with inclusion youth groups.

The participants are expected to:
• be youth workers who work with NEETs (working directly with young people from inclusion groups in the deprived rural environments);
• be willing to invest into their personal and professional development;
• be motivated to try out new methods and tools and apply them with their target groups;
• be a part of partner organization and not fished in the web;
• be fluent in English;
• fully participate for the whole duration of the project;
• be ready to engage in active physical and mental activities;
• be aware that youth worker training is not a holiday but a learning experience.

As a partner organization you are expected to:
• have the capacity to provide contribution to the timetable of activities;
• react to our emails and other types of communication in real time;
• provide a proper pre-departure training;
• be fully involved in the dissemination process in your country.

The participation is free of charge. There will be a selection process (application form and interview).

This project has been viewed 1507 times.

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Project overview

Experience(d) Youth Work is a project by
Associazione InCo-Molfetta APS
taking place
from 2023-03-20 till 2023-03-25
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Urban/rural development
  • Youth policy

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