EVS-Project with CRISTEEL association in France

EVS Project in France, at Nancy. For the promotion of the European Union and its values and to inform about european mobilities

The volunteer will be regularly in touch with the volunteers and employees of the organisation and contribute to the projects as the promotion of European citizenship, the presentation of different programs of mobility for young people, accompaniment of young people who want to make a European voluntary service, to inform young pupils about the European Union to understand and learn about its functions, animation of information stands for a wide public about European questions and/or European mobility questions, organisation of debates on European Citizenship topics, participation to formation for professional people on European programs and financial supports.

The different activities on the territory are:

- Educational interventions in classes for primary school pupils (7-11 years);
- Meetings with secondary and high school students to talk about the European Union and mobility (11-17 years old);
- Information meetings on EVS in particular and other mobility programs with young people from all walks of life (17-30 years)
-Civic and citizen training organized by the association, bringing together young volunteers on a civic service mission (18-25 years);
- Youth exchanges organized by the association on the themes of European citizenship or eco-citizenship in the cross-border area (16-25 years);
- Trainings dedicated to youth professionals, to which our employees of the association participate as an expert in the field of youth (adults);
- Some appointments involving the strategic partners (the other associations of the network, the Region, the Department, etc.) with which the association collaborated throughout the year (adults);
- As far as associative life is concerned, the training of volunteers in our activities (adults).
The balance between men and women will obviously be guaranteed because our actions affect all types of public without distinction of gender.

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Project overview

EVS-Project with CRISTEEL association in France is a project by
taking place
from 2017-10-01 till 2018-05-31
This project relates to:
Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • European citizenship
  • EVS volunteer wanted
  • Media and communication
  • Volunteering

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