EVS in Southern Italy

We are searching volunteers for a new EVS projects in South of Italy. The service will take place in schools and child care centre.

One hosting place is in the city of Ostuni, Villagio SOS and will start on 1 October 2018 and last 12 months (until 31 September 2019) http://www.sosostuni.it/. The second hosting place is in the city of Bisceglie will start on 1 September 2018 and last 9 months (until 31 of May 2019). It will take place in Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado "Riccardo Monterisi" http://www.scuolamediamonterisi.gov.it
You can find more information on InCo webside:

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Project overview

EVS in Southern Italy is a project by
Associazione InCo-Molfetta APS
taking place
from 2018-09-01 till 2019-09-30
This project relates to:
Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)

Short URL to this project:


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