European Youth Work Academy

Project aims to rise capacities of youth organizations to create, plan and implement project within Erasmus+ and in general.

CET Platform is planning to submit multi-activity project proposal “European Youth Work Academy” that will include at least 15 partner organizations from European Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo UNSC 1244, Albania, Turkey, Macedonia, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland . Project will be submitted to the EACEA April 3th 2015 deadline within KA2, Capacity Building Projects within Erasmus+ programme. This Call for partner does not apply for countries in which CET Platform have its braches (Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Poland and Bulgaria).

Project aims to rise capacities of youth organizations to create, plan and implement project within Erasmus+ and in general, trough improvement of quality of youth work, education of the staff of organizations and innovative approaches in European Youth Work.

Project will include three modules/editions:

YOM edition (Youth organizations Management) will offer skills and knowledge to staff of involved organizations related to communication with target group, HR, fundraising, project planning and management, involvement of young people with fewer opportunities.

TOL edition (Training of Leaders) will offer skills and knowledge to staff of involved organizations related to preparation and implementation of Youth Exchanges, work with non-experienced youth, inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities, non-formal education methodology and facilitation skills.

TOT edition (Training of Trainers) will offer skills and knowledge to staff of involved organizations related to preparation and implementation of trainings for young leaders and youth workers, including trainer’s skills.

All activities will be hosted in Belgrade city center (Serbia) and each partner organization will send 1 or 2 participants on each activity. Number of participants depends on number and quality of organisations involved in the project, learning needs of their members and other characteristics of the project. Selected partner will be informed about number of participants that they can send.

Relevant dates:

March 1rst 2015 deadline for sending partnership application
March 10th 2015 deadline for sending original partnership documents by selected partners
April 3th 2015 deadline for submitting project proposal by hosting organization
September 2015 results by EACEA; if projects approved than following dates:
October 1rst 2015 beginning of project
Second half of January 2016 YOM edition
Second half of March 2016 TOL edition
Second half of May 2016 TOT edition
Jun-July 2016 follow up activites hosted by all partner organizations and dissemination
September 2016 end of evaluation of the project and reporting
Profile of partner organizations invited to apply for partnership: Organisations should have limited experience in youth work and Erasmus+ project with clear motivation and idea to develop and educate staff of organization in order to run local and European activates related to active participation, EU citizenship, entrepreneurship and mobility of youth.

How to apply for partnership?

By sending fulfilled Partnership application from this link in “.doc” format on e-mail until 01/03/2015 with subject of e-mail as following: EYWA_NameOfOrganisation_NameOfYourCountry (e.g. EYWA_CETPlatform_Serbia). Partner organisations will be selected based on quality of their Partnership application.

Selected partners will be informed as soon as EACEA publish partnership form and requested to send original of partnership forms by post, as well as scanned copy by e-mail. If you have any question regarding project, feel free to contact us. We will not reply on comments and e-mails such as “Can you send us more information” but we will be very happy to answer any question you may have.

Looking forward to cooperate with all of you,

CET team

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Project overview

European Youth Work Academy is a project by
C:E:T platform
taking place
from 2015 till 2016
This project relates to:
Training and Networking, Capacity Building
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles

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