Europe on a doorstep

Project within Europe for Citizens programme for municipalities, organisations and institution aiming to rise European awareness in their local communities.

Ask your neighbor a few simple questions: Traveling from Milano do Lugano, do you cross the passport and customs control? What is difference between European Council and Council of Europe? Where are borders of Europe? Why Bulgaria doesn’t use Euro but Montenegro does? Did you vote on last European elections? Do not confuse them anymore. Looks like we failed to educate new generations of Europeans about our home. Municipalities, institutions and organisations that are involved in this project are aiming to bring Europe to doorstep of their communities, particularly young people, NEET - those in risk of populism, radicalization and Euro skepticism. They are going to find causes for low European awareness in their communities and across the continent, develop and test innovative tools and approaches and create impact now and in the future trough project “Europe on a doorstep”. Applicant municipality Villa Boa do Bispo from rural area in Portugal, youth network of NGOs CET Platform and other partner municipalities are searching for other partners across the continent to implement this project within programme Europe for Citizens, measure: Network of towns. Project will have following objectives:
- Research level of knowledge about EU among citizens in member states and candidate countries.
- Identify appropriate educational and informational tools, methods and approaches and test them in their communities.
- Create opportunities for exchange of good practices and sustainable cooperation and partnership among involved communities.
- Create online platform for European awareness with focus on rural areas, youth and NEET as main target group.
- Ensure cross sectoral cooperation between decision makers, civil society organisations and institutions.
Project will include 6 meetings in 6 different participating countries among which are: preparatory meeting, trainings, seminars, conference and evaluation meetings.

Applications from municipalities, institutions and organisations can be submitted on this link:

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Project overview

Europe on a doorstep is a project by
C:E:T platform
taking place
from 2019 till 2021

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