Empowerment, Entrepreneurship and Employability through Coaching in Rural Areas

3ER–coaching TC project is planned to be held in Arnhem / the Netherlands on 06-12 October 2018

At the heart of this project there are three core components: empowerment, entrepreneurship and employability. Our experience shows that coaching is an effective instrument, which helps to empower young people from rural areas, develop their entrepreneurial skills and increase their employability. Thus, Empowerment, Entrepreneurship and Employability through Coaching in Rural Areas (3ER–coaching) project aims to assist youth workers in applying coaching approach for empowering, developing entrepreneurial skills and increasing employability of young people from rural areas.

The project objectives are as follows:
• To provide youth workers with coaching techniques and models which they can use in their daily work with disadvantaged young people from rural areas.
• To help youth workers increase active participation of rural youth in their communities.
• To increase the quality of youth work by using the combination of non-formal and coaching tools.
• To develop participants` personal and professional competences though coaching, such as leadership skills, self-awareness, action planning, critical thinking and entrepreneurship skills.
• To assist participants in discovering their potential.

This project is designed mainly for youth workers (trainers, mentors, project managers) actively involved in the work with rural youth in their community, as well as volunteers, non-formal education practitioners, and young people from rural areas or willing to work in the field of rural entrepreneurship.

This Training Course project is expected to be held in Arnhem / the Netherlands on 06-12 October 2018 with 30 youngsters from 6 parner countries.

If you are interested in this project please send your complete PIF to elena@ilabour.eu
Kind regards,
ILA Team

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Project overview

Empowerment, Entrepreneurship and Employability through Coaching in Rural Areas is a project by
International Labour Association
taking place
from 2018-10-06 till 2018-10-12
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Coach for Youth Initiative
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability
  • Urban/rural development
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences

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