Employ Yourself

Do you work in NGO with unemployed youth and you want to help them to find an employment? If the answer is “YES” - apply for TC to be held in Cracow Poland!

"Employ Yourself” is a 7-days training course dedicated to 28 people working every day in 9 non-governmental organizations on the field of social and educational activities for young people (especially unemployed youth) - social leaders, coordinators of volunteers, project managers, career counselors, facilitators, trainers and people who are close to the problems of young people on the labor market. The training course will be held in Cracow, Poland.

Activities are designed for those participants who are willing on developing their employability competencies so that they can share this with unemployed youth and help them in finding a job. During the activities all participants will learn how to: develop professional plan of action and will strengthen their abilities of finding a job.

The main objective of the project is to improve competencies of 28 youth workers in supporting young people in the area of coping in the labor market, in order to stimulate employability of young people and to create a space for the exchange of good practices in the area: entrepreneurship, job search and professional development, affecting the development of potential and improvement of the quality of quality of systems supporting youth 9 organizations participating in the project.
The project is based on building close cooperation between 9 organization and involvement at all stages of its implementation, which will provide synergies. We will use a variety of working methods based on:

• non-formal learning, coaching,
• dynamic exercises, role plays,
• games, brainstorming, simulations,
• case studies based on a creativity.

Our aim is - inspire participants to enhance skills related to working with youth in the area of:

• ways and tools of supporting youth in coping in the labor market
• competencies related to the analysis of needs, barriers and opportunities for young people in the labor market
• tools and skills needed to find a job
• working of a professional plan of action
• understanding what are my strengths and weaknesses on labor market
• exploring areas of professional development
• contemporary labor market
• the use of methods and tools of vocational and entrepreneurial attitudes
• communication including intercultural communication.

As host organization Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Nieformalnej Kulturatka will provide this opportunity for 7 days training course for 28 people from 9 different organizations actively involved in youth work (3 participants from each organization no age limit).

Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Nieformalnej Kulturatka – The Association was founded in 2006 by young people interested in education and culture. The association was established to facilitate access to culture for young people and those for whom access to culture can be difficult for financial reasons. Group consists of young, open-minded people who are very happy to contribute to this discussion on the similarities and differences among young people in modern Europe. Our usual activities is: promotion of cultural events, writing and publishing articles on the website, organizing competitions for young people at risk of social exclusion, participation in cultural events, working with young people, teaching young people how to promote culture, how to work with cultural institutions, meetings with youngsters and discussing various matters associated with young people.

The main topics of the training course:

1.Ways and tools of supporting youth in coping in the labor market
2.Competencies related to the analysis of needs, barriers and opportunities for young people in the labor market.
3.The use of methods and tools of vocational and entrepreneurial attitudes.
4.The exchange of good practices and experiences in the field of employability and entrepreneurship.
5.Situation on the European labor market.
6.The development of partnerships by initiating cooperation between organizations.
7.The development of intercultural dialogue, tolerance and understanding of cultural diversity.
8. Labor market and migration - how NGO can be involved in this process.

If you are interested in partnership, please send required documents, no later than on 17th of January 2016. The most important is:

1. Send the PIC number.
2. Fill in and send via e-mail attached document “Partner_form_Employ Yourself”
3. Send the attached agreement (mandate): fill in, print, sign and scan and send to me via email (no fax).

Please find attached below documents.

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Project overview

taking place
from 2016-09-21 till 2016-09-27
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Minorities
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles
"Employ Yourself” is a 7-days training course dedicated to 24 people working every day in 8 non-governmental organizations on the field of social and educational activities for young people (especially unemployed youth) - social leaders, coordinators of volunteers, project managers, career counselors, facilitators, trainers and people who are close to the problems of young people on the labor market. The project is for 24 people from 8 different organizations actively involved in youth work (3 participants from each organization no age limit).

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